
Juan Aguilar; Julio Molina; Cesar Vittorelli


Single node stem cutting of the variety Mariva (Solanum andigena x Solanum tuberosum) was used to evaluate development from plant to transplant, 30 and 60 days after transplanting, number and weight of tubers, and earliness. Stem cutting from four different plant parts were obtained: apical (PA); first leaf or Knot as upper-medium part (PMS); second and third leaf or knot as lover medium part (PMI), and fourth leaf or knot as basal part (PB). Results show that during the first 30 days from the time of transplanting there are no significant differences as to plant height, but there surely derived are after 60 days when greater development of plants from PMS and PMI parts is registered. As far as the number of tubers is concerned, the apical part (PA) produced approximately 1 more tuber than the rest of the treatments. However, there were no differences in total weight between treatments. The size of the tubers according to their average weight indicates they have the right size to be used as planting material in the field. The PA showed to be earlier than the other treatments, by 3 weeks.

Additional Index Words: apical, upper-medium part, lover medium part, basal part, knot.

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Cómo citar
Cesar Vittorelli, J. A. J. M. (1988). Desarrollo y producción de esquejes de tallo juvenil en papa obtenidos en cuatro partes diferentes de la misma planta . Revista Latinoamericana De La Papa, 1(1), 50-56. https://doi.org/10.37066/ralap.v1i1.7
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